We’re a private wine tasting club consisting of a group of Vancouverites who enjoy a nice glass of wine. Our premise is tasting new wines that we ordinarily wouldn't be able to on our own. Through our wine club we are able to try wines that are off the beaten path.

Our meeting structure is simple: bring a new bottle of wine and some food (snacks/appies) to share amongst the group that fits into the theme of the day. There are no membership fees and you don't have to show up for all the meetings. The wines that are brought by the members will be tasted blind and in pairs so that we can appreciate each without preconceptions. A tasting template handout will be provided should you wish to record any tasting notes on wines that you enjoyed (and wines you didn't). At the end of the meeting, we determine a rough date for the next meeting and participants can bring home any leftover wine from bottles we haven't finished. We’re casual and unpretentious in this wine learning journey.

One of the wonderful things about having a wine club is making new friends and enjoying good food with wine. With a larger group of people we can try different types of wine and in the future we can organize purchases by the case, split cases amongst group members and access fine wines which we cannot ordinarily procure on our own.
